Transform exercise

  1. We want to translate and rotate the 2D point \( \mathbf{p} = [2\ \ 0]^\top \) The translation vector is \( [-2\ \ 0]^\top \). The rotation is by \( 90^\circ \). What are the approximate coordinates of the point after the transform?
    1. ✱Translation followed by rotation:
    2. ✱Rotation followed by translation:
  2. ✱Does the order in which the rotation and translation are applied matter?
  3. The matrix \( \mathbf{M_2} \) rotates a 2D point by 45 degrees.
    $$ \mathbf{M_2} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \cos{45^\circ} & -\sin{45^\circ} \\ \sin{45^\circ} & \cos{45^\circ} \\ \end{array} \right] $$
    ✱What is the rotation that will rotate a 3D point by 45 degrees around the z-axis?